Topcat Waste Management Facility
Topcat Waste Management Facility provides our customers advanced oilfield disposal services in a safe, dependable and environmentally-friendly manner. We utilize the latest technology to better serve our customers and provide a streamlined truck turnaround, which helps reduce our customers truck wait time and transportation costs.
Our facility accepts drilling waste (cuttings and mud) and completion waste (frac sand and other wastes), and processes all types of oil and gas waste. We utilize a state-of-the-art centrifugal process where waste streams are separated into three elements; solids, water and oil. Our six acre footprint allows us to have one of the largest oilfield waste disposal processing facilities in our region.
Focusing on environmentally friendly processes and dedicated to the safe and efficient processing of your oilfield waste - Topcat Waste Management Facility is the premiere oilfield waste disposal site in North East Texas.

Our Services
Topcat Waste Management stands ready to be your “oilfield waste management solution.”

About Us
We are committed to provide our clients with experienced, efficient and dependable means of waste disposal.